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M1435 - Mazzei Magazine

The Mazzei family, centuries-old guardians of winemaking tradition, is pleased to introduce "M1435," a new publishing project offering an in-depth view into the oenological world – and beyond – across three Mazzei estates.

A New Storytelling

M1435 represents an innovative approach to sharing the Mazzei's passion for wine and their commitment to keeping family traditions alive. Each issue offers articles that explore various aspects of winemaking, insights about the territories, and the stories that bind them.

Exclusive Interviews

The first edition of M1435 features interviews with Francesco Mazzei, CEO, and Gionata Pulignani, Technical Director of the Mazzei estates. Through their words, you will gain a deeper understanding of the company's vision and strategies, discovering anecdotes and curiosities related to the Mazzei world.

An Innovative Narrative

Breaking away from traditional corporate communications, M1435 has a more a more personal and engaging approach. Each article, interview, and insight are designed to convey not only information – but also emotions and passion. Additionally, within M1435, you will also find a selection of particularly interesting articles from national and international publications to offer an even broader perspective.

Finally, the magazine includes a variety of columns and topics related to the period in which the magazine is published, providing constantly updated and relevant content for readers.

Don't Miss the Preview

Don't miss the preview of M1435’s first edition: a journey into the heart of Chianti Classico that will make you fall even more in love with the world of wine and its fascinating stories.


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